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You can use a DC (direct current) to DC converter for getting 12 Volts from a 24 Volt system safely. On the contrary, you need either a resistor or a series to get 12 Volts from a 24 Volt system.

Volt is the measure of the difference in electrical potential between two conducting wires. The SI Unit is used to measure the electrical potential in a wire denoted by the symbol (V).

Disclaimer: Actual watt of the device may differ from the estimation.
how to get 12 volts from a 24 volt system
Feature12 Volt24 Volt
Voltage DropHighLow
Inverter EfficiencyLowHigh
Wiring SystemExpensiveCheaper
Fire HazardHighLow
Voltage ProducedHighLow

When using a 24v on 12v appliances, you will need to use a DC-DC converter. This converter helps to drop the voltage from 24v to 12v.

A DC to DC converter is an electronic device used to regulate voltage from a source. They are mostly used in portable devices such as phones and laptops that use batteries as their primary source of power.

Energy stored in a battery will often decline after some time; DC to DC converters, therefore, help increase the battery’s voltage. This helps prevent the use of many batteries to accomplish one task. In most instances, they help to regulate the output voltage.

Connecting a 12v directly to a 24v could result in burning the 12v appliance immediately. To do it safely, you can use the following measures.

A resistor could be used to regulate the voltage to the desired voltage.

Resistor is a small electrical component used to regulate the flow of current in a circuit. It could also divide current voltage in a circuit when connected in series.

A resistor consists of several copper wires wound onto an insulated ceramic rod, regulating the resistance. The more the number of turns indicates a higher resistance. A thin copper wire is preferred since it helps increase the resistance.

The resistor works by electric heating, which means converting the electrical energy to heat energy. The heat energy produced is equal to the consumed electric power.

In a series circuit, bulbs are connected such that there is only one pathway for the flow of charge. Connecting appliances in the series help maintain the current circuit’s current flow while reducing the resistors’ voltage.

In a series connection, each voltage consumed in resistance is equal to the source voltage. For example, when using a 24 bulb on a 12v battery, you can connect the light bulbs in series. Therefore in our case, the 24 volts bulb connected in series will maintain a 12v from the circuit source.

Volt inverters are devices used to convert Direct Current (DC) into alternating current(AC) while changing the amount of voltage. DC current flows in one direction at any given time while AC flows in many directions and for a long distance. For this reason, it is used in wide variety of electrical appliances.

Direct current is mostly from a battery. The inverter is connected to the Direct current (battery) and then plugged into the Alternating Current devices such as televisions sets, radio, kitchen appliances, computers, light bulbs etc. and enables portability of power.

The DC is tailored to support simple power needs at home and perform a ‘heavy’ power supply like starting a pump. In North America, the standard AC utility is 115V and 230V with a frequency of 60Hertz. While in South America, the standard AC utility is 220V at a frequency of 50Hertz.

A single battery produces 12V – 14V, supplied to the inverter. Many batteries wired in parallel would supply more voltage to the inverter. Once in a while, the battery needs to be recharged since the inverter is draining its power. Recharging could either be done using a battery charger plugged in at the AC port, a generator, or using eco-friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

12v batteries are the most common type of battery. It may appear in different shapes and sizes depending on its use. It could appear to be small and light, such as the ones used in electric toy cars, big and heavy in other cases, for example, those found in cars and boats.

A Common 12V lead-acid battery could either consist of 6-volt batteries arranged in series or a single 12V battery in parallel. Each battery is made to produce approximately 2.1 volts. From this information, we can deduce that a 6-volt battery will have approximately 6.3 volts when full, and a 12v will produce 12.1 when full.

On retail, it is available as either rechargeable or non-rechargeable. Rechargeable 12v is recommended on appliances that are used frequently.

A 12 volt is mostly used for igniting car or boat. The alternator then takes over, and the battery is left to recharge.

  • Safer when running voltage directly from a DC as opposed to high voltage.
  • Replacement fuses are readily available.
  • Common use in appliances such as television, radios that are made explicitly for 12v.
  • Inverters are readily available.
  • Inverters are less expensive since they are readily available.
  • Compatible with solar panels.
  • Simple battery configuration. For example, when using a 12v battery on a 12v system, the connection made is parallel.
  • Multiple charging options, i:e: solar, wind, or a battery charger.
  • Has a costly wiring system.
  • Has higher voltage loss when connected in long distances.
  • Inefficiency of the inverter, where some voltage is lost to heat during transmission, especially in large voltage differences in DC and AC.
  • Most of them are not rated for continuous all-day use.
  • Mostly efficient for small systems.
  • Does not detect failures efficiently and could result in fires as a result of overheating.

Slowly, the standards shifting from a 12-14v battery to an average of 24v-48v DC, which includes a 230v AC inverter. A 24V battery is flexible and can allow large amounts of frequencies and voltages and release the desired voltage controllably. It automatically shuts down in case of a power shortage.

Using a 24V is much safer compared to using other power supplies with higher voltage. A 24v battery can produce a large number of voltages and is therefore efficient for use in large industrial plants.

  • Can produce a large number of voltages.
  • Supplies half the current for the same power, thus reducing the volt drop.
  • Low power supply drop compared to 12v, where a 0.5 line drop results in a 4.6% drop in efficiency.
  • Better efficiency of the inverter.
  • Better compatibility with AC.
  • Only runs on systems that use 24v.

A solar panel is a device that converts direct sunlight into DC, which is used to charge the battery directly. The battery is then connected to other AC (alternative current) appliances utilizing an inverter. Having a solar ready electrical panel at home is a great plus.

Different geographical location have different intensities of sunshine, which affects the amount of electricity produced.

If you live in an area that experiences around 5.0 intensity during the month of august and 2.0 during December, then an 80W solar would produce 420 Watts in June and 620 Watts in the month of December.

A 12 volts solar panel is estimated to produce 17.0 Watts. Using the formula, Multiplying the Volts by amps = Watts.

Battery VoltsSolar WattsAmpere

When using batteries, it is essential to remember that the more they are charged, the less their service life. A battery bank is created by connecting many batteries.

To find the battery bank’s right size to use, you need first to know the total amount of energy produced daily at an hourly rate.

Eg. 5×200 watts = 1000w/hr for 3 days would be 1000 × 3 = 3000Wh

Using a calculated depth of discharge, (DoD) as 0.5% = 3000/0.5 = 6000wh

Using a higher voltage is an easier way to reduce voltage loss and the amount of controller needed.

Therefore, use the voltage you wish to use, e.g. 12, 24, or 48, and divide it with the results above.

6000/24 = 250Ah.

Therefore, when using a 330Ah battery bank of 24 or 48v, you will need 1 battery.

Automobile refers to cars and boats in this case.

A car’s battery is said to be fully charged when the voltage reads 12.6 v to 12.8v. This is done by regularly checking your battery to ensure it is in good condition. When voltage is in excess, one should drain it using the beams and charge when less.

In a Nutshell

Choosing the right battery is very important as it is the lifeline of your solar, car, boat, or any other household appliance that you might have. Be safe if you are trying to get 12 volts from a 24 Volt system or 24 volts from a 12 Volt system.

About The Author

6 thoughts on “How to Get 12 Volts from a 24 Volt System – The Correct Method”

  1. I am looking to install a solar array on my RV and was wondering if I could install a 24v LiPO4 battery in the unit?
    I know that the system in the RV runs on 12 volts so the 24volts from the battery going straight into the RV will fry everything.
    Is there a device I can plug the battery into prior to it going into the RV that will convert the energy from 24volt DC to 12 volt DC?

  2. Stephen Dayne Baker

    Can you tell me if the Truper 1500 watt inverter can be used with 12v and 24 volt inputs, or just 12v?
    Also do you know is the Samlex 2000 watt inverter 12/24 volt?
    Also do you have a wiring diagram for using 8 Trojan 6 volt batteries to make a 24 volt system? Thank you for your help…

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